Chip 2002 June
ChipCD 6.02.iso
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Text File
301 lines
* Copyright 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This file was automatically generated by Microsoft Internet Explorer
* using the file %TEMPLATEDIR%\ftp.htt
body {font: 8pt/10pt verdana; margin: 0}
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#FileList {position: absolute; left: 30%; top: 88px; width: 1px; height: 1px}
#Media {margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 10px}
#Panel {position: absolute; top: 88px; width: 30%; overflow: auto}
#PieChart {width: 100px; height: 50px; margin-top: 10px}
#Thumbnail {width: 160px; height: 160px; margin-top: 0px}
#Status {margin-left: 20px}
p {margin-right: 8px}
p.Title {font: 16pt/16pt verdana; font-weight: bold; color: #0099FF}
p.Warning {font-weight: bold; color: red}
p.Links {margin-top: 4px}
p.SiteInfo {margin-top: 4px}
a:link {color: #FF6633}
a:visited {color: #0099FF}
a:active {color: black}
input {font: 8pt/10pt verdana}
button {font: 8pt/10pt verdana}
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.accesskey {}
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<!-- allow references to any resources you might add to the folder -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="vbscript">
Const g_nCR = 13
Const g_nLF = 10
Function TranslateCRs(strIn)
Dim strOut
strOut = ""
While 0 < Len(strIn)
if Asc(strIn) = g_nCR then
strIn = strIn & " "
strIn = Right(strIn, Len(strIn) - 1)
strOut = strOut & Chr(Asc(strIn))
end if
strIn = Right(strIn, Len(strIn) - 1)
TranslateCRs = strOut
end Function
// To localize
var L_Intro_Text = "";
var L_Multiple_Text = " εß·σΩ≥εΓ Γ√ß≡αφε.";
var L_AnonymousUserName_Text = "└φεφΦ∞φ√Θ";
var L_MOTDDialogTitle_Text = "╤σ≡Γσ≡ ∩≡σΣε±≥αΓΦδ ±δσΣ≤■∙σσ ±εεß∙σφΦσ ε σπε Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφΦΦ:\n\n";
var L_ServerLabel_Text = "╤σ≡Γσ≡: ";
var L_UserNameLabel_Text = "╧εδⁿτεΓα≥σδⁿ:";
var L_TooltipLoginButton_Text = "┬√τεΓ ΣΦαδεπεΓεπε εΩφα ''┬⌡εΣ'', ∩ετΓεδ ■∙σπε ΓεΘ≥Φ ∩εΣ Σ≡≤πΦ∞ Φ∞σφσ∞ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ . ╫α∙σ Γ±σπε ²≥ε ≥≡σß≤σ≥± , σ±δΦ ±σ≡Γσ≡ ε≥Ωατ√Γασ≥ Γ Σε±≥≤∩σ ≥σΩ≤∙σ∞≤ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ■.";
var L_ToolTipEmailAddress_Text = "▌≥ε αΣ≡σ± ²δσΩ≥≡εφφεΘ ∩ε≈≥√, ∩σ≡σΣαΓασ∞√Θ ±σ≡Γσ≡≤ Σδ ΦΣσφ≥Φ⌠ΦΩα÷ΦΦ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ ∩≡Φ αφεφΦ∞φε∞ Γ⌡εΣσ.";
var L_TooltipPassword_Text = "▌≥Φ Φ∞ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ Φ ∩α≡εδⁿ ß≤Σ≤≥ Φ±∩εδⁿτεΓαφ√ ∩≡Φ ∩εΓ≥ε≡φεΘ ∩ε∩√≥Ωσ Γ⌡εΣα φα ±σ≡Γσ≡ ∩ε±δσ φαµα≥Φ Ωφε∩ΩΦ ''┬⌡εΣ''.";
var L_ToolTipUserName_Text = "┬ΓσΣΦ≥σ Σ≡≤πεσ Φ∞ ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ Φ φαµ∞Φ≥σ Ωφε∩Ω≤ ''┬⌡εΣ'', ≈≥εß√ ΓεΘ≥Φ ∩εΣ Σ≡≤πΦ∞ Φ∞σφσ∞.";
var L_TooltipAnonCheckBox_Text = "╧≡Φ ΓΩδ■≈σφΦΦ ²≥εΘ ⌠≤φΩ÷ΦΦ Φ φαµα≥ΦΦ Ωφε∩ΩΦ ''┬⌡εΣ'' ∞εµφε ΓεΘ≥Φ φα ±σ≡Γσ≡ αφεφΦ∞φε, σ±δΦ ±σ≡Γσ≡ ²≥ε Σε∩≤±Ωασ≥. ╧≡ΦΓσΣσφφ√Θ φΦµσ αΣ≡σ± ²δσΩ≥≡εφφεΘ ∩ε≈≥√ ß≤Σσ≥ ∩σ≡σΣαφ ±σ≡Γσ≡≤.";
// Do not localize
var g_strUserName;
var g_strPassword;
var g_strEmailAddress;
var g_strAnonymous = "Anonymous"; // Do not localize
function FixSize()
// this function handles fixed panel sizing and collapsing when the window resizes
var hideTop = 200;
var hideLeft = 400;
var miniHeight = 32;
var ch = document.body.clientHeight;
var cw = document.body.clientWidth;
if (hideTop > ch)
document.all.Banner.style.visibility = "hidden";
document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "visible";
document.all.FileList.style.top = miniHeight;
document.all.Panel.style.top = miniHeight;
document.all.Banner.style.visibility = "visible";
document.all.MiniBanner.style.visibility = "hidden";
document.all.FileList.style.top = (document.all.Banner.offsetHeight - 32) + "px";
document.all.Panel.style.top = (document.all.Banner.offsetHeight) + "px";
document.all.Rule.style.width = (cw > 84 ? cw - 84 : 0) + "px";
if (hideLeft > cw)
document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "hidden";
document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft = 0;
document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop = document.all.Panel.style.pixelTop;
document.all.Panel.style.visibility = "visible";
document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft = document.all.Panel.style.pixelWidth;
document.all.FileList.style.pixelWidth = cw - document.all.FileList.style.pixelLeft;
document.all.FileList.style.pixelHeight = ch - document.all.FileList.style.pixelTop;
document.all.Panel.style.pixelHeight = ch - document.all.Panel.style.pixelTop;
function Init()
var strMOTD;
// call our FixSize() function whenever the window gets resized
window.onresize = FixSize;
Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text;
function DisplayOptions()
return 0;
function OnMOTDDialog()
alert(L_MOTDDialogTitle_Text + document.all.ID_MOTD.innerText);
function InitLoginInfo()
if (ID_FTPWebView)
var L_None_Text = "None";
strMOTD = TranslateCRs(ID_FTPWebView.MessageOfTheDay);
ID_MOTD.innerText = strMOTD;
ID_MOTD.style.display = ((strMOTD == "") || (strMOTD == L_None_Text)) ? "none" : "";
document.all.ID_Server.innerText = (L_ServerLabel_Text + ID_FTPWebView.Server);
g_strUserName = ID_FTPWebView.UserName;
if (1 == ID_FTPWebView.CurrentLoginAnonymous)
document.all.ID_StaticUserName.innerText = (L_UserNameLabel_Text + g_strAnonymous);
document.all.ID_StaticUserName.innerText = (L_UserNameLabel_Text + g_strUserName);
function OnWebviewLinkEnter( aLink )
if( aLink.title )
window.status = aLink.title;
window.status = "";
return true;
function OnWebviewLinkExit()
window.status = "";
return false;
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" for="FileList" event="SelectionChanged">
// this script updates the left info panel when you select icons
var folder = FileList.Folder;
var data;
var text;
var i;
data = FileList.SelectedItems().Count;
if (data == 0)
// nothing selected?
Info.innerHTML = L_Intro_Text;
else if (data > 1)
// more than one item selected?
text = data + L_Multiple_Text + "<br>";
if (data <= 16)
for (i = 0; i < data; i++)
text += "<br>" + FileList.SelectedItems().Item(i).Name;
Info.innerHTML = text + "<br><br>";
else if (data == 1)
Info.innerHTML = "<b>" + FileList.SelectedItems().Item(0).Name + "</b><br><br>";
<script language="JavaScript" for="WVLink" event="onmouseover">
return OnWebviewLinkEnter( this );
<script language="JavaScript" for="WVLink" event="onfocus">
return OnWebviewLinkEnter( this );
<script language="JavaScript" for="WVLink" event="onmouseout">
return OnWebviewLinkExit();
<script language="JavaScript" for="WVLink" event="onblur">
return OnWebviewLinkExit();
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<DIV id="Banner" style="visibility: hidden">
<!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent word wrapping -->
<table><tr><td nowrap>
<p class=Title style="margin-left: 104px; margin-top: 16px">
<!-- this is more efficient than a long graphic, but we have to adjust it in FixSize() -->
<hr id="Rule" size=1px color=black style="position: absolute; top: 44px; left: 84px">
<!-- this is our awesome icon extractor -->
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<!-- end normal banner -->
<!-- start mini banner -->
<DIV id="MiniBanner" style="visibility: hidden">
<!-- using a table with nowrap to prevent word wrapping -->
<table><tr><td nowrap>
<p class=Title style="margin-left: 16px; margin-top: 4px">
<!-- end mini banner -->
<!-- start left info panel -->
<DIV style="padding-left: 20px;" id="Panel">
<P class=SiteInfo id=lochack>
<SPAN ID="ID_Server"> </SPAN><BR>
<SPAN ID="ID_StaticUserName"> </SPAN>
<!-- No Login DIV By Design -->
<!-- the message of the day will be inserted here by the script. -->
<ID id=LocalizeMe> ╚±∩εδⁿτ≤Θ≥σ ∩≤φΩ≥ ∞σφ■ ''╘αΘδ'' ''╩ε∩Φ≡εΓα≥ⁿ Γ ∩α∩Ω≤'' Σδ ταπ≡≤τΩΦ φα Ωε∞∩ⁿ■≥σ≡ ⌠αΘδεΓ Φ ∩α∩εΩ.</ID>
<ID id=parseSlowly>
<A HREF="javascript:ID_FTPWebView.InvokeHelp()" name="WVLink"> ┘σδΩφΦ≥σ τΣσ±ⁿ,</A> ≈≥εß√ ∩εδ≤≈Φ≥ⁿ ±ΓσΣσφΦ ε ∩≡ε±∞ε≥≡σ ≤τδεΓ FTP.<BR>
<SPAN id="Info">
<!-- end left info panel -->
<!-- this is the standard file list control -->
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